Pickles & Prunes, I Love You

Friends – Ta Da! 🍓The book that I was hired to illustrate is finally here. This summer, I had a God  wink moment and was able to connect with Suzy McKinney (of McKinney  Tx where I live) and she shared with me that she had written a book but was not pleased with the illustrations. What I did not know is that she had prayed two days prior about her illustration dilemma. So, she was thrilled when our paths crossed and I shared that I was a professional illustrator. We hit off instantly and a friendship was born. It truly was a blessing to be able to create the drawings for this book. This book is perfect for a little girl and it has a wonderful faith inspired message.

The illustrations draw the child into the story as they bright and colorful

Pickles and Prunes, I Love You is about loving with all our heart and soul. Kassi is a typical toddler, waking up with a smile on her face, then getting caught with her hands in the pickle jar! With a lot of patience and prayer, you can make the best of every day.

If you decide to purchase a book, I am happy to autograph it for you. Please leave a review as this will help Suzy get her book noticed in the Amazon search engine.

Please share this post with your friends as this is a delightful story that is sure to bring smiles on little ones faces for years to come.


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