Romantic Roses Bouquet
Friends - I wanted to capture a romantic tone in this piece of art and can imagine it paired with white linens and naturally colored walls. Enjoy!
PS - My joyful art designs are available on scarves, prints, cards, mugs, and more through…
Radiant Rose Bouquet
Friends - I love roses and bright colors and wanted to create a bright-colored bouquet with a soft earthy background. Enjoy!
PS - My joyful art designs are available on scarves, prints, cards, mugs, and more through my art licensing partnerships…
Blue Kitty Sunbathing
Friends - This was a fun piece to create as I imagined a cute kitty sunbathing in the summer sun. Enjoy!
PS - My joyful art designs are available on scarves, prints, cards, mugs, and more through my art licensing partnerships with Le Galeriste,…
Blooming Island Bouquet
Friends - I loved capturing the feeling of the tropics in this bright and beautiful bouquet. Enjoy!
PS - My joyful art designs are available on scarves, prints, cards, mugs, and more through my art licensing partnerships with Le Galeriste,…
Tea Party In The Garden
I have always loved tea parties and envisioned two lovely ladies chatting over a big piece of cake and enjoying the summer sun. Enjoy!
PS - My joyful art designs are available on scarves, prints, cards, mugs, and more through my art licensing…
Joyful Flowers Of Love
Friends - This was a fun piece to create as I desired to create a joyful piece celebrating the flowers of summer. Enjoy!
PS - My joyful art designs are available on scarves, prints, cards, mugs, and more through my art licensing partnerships…
Beautiful Bold Bouquet
Friends - I loved creating a bright-colored flower bouquet and contrasting it with a natural background. Enjoy!
PS - My joyful art designs are available on scarves, prints, cards, mugs, and more through my art licensing partnerships with…
Happy Flower Girl
This was a fun piece to create as I imagined a cute and happy girl holding a bouquet of flowers while delighting in the summer sun. Enjoy!
PS - My joyful art designs are available on scarves, prints, cards, mugs, and more through my art licensing…
Brightly Blooming Rose Bouquet
Friends - I enjoyed creating this bold-colored bouquet. Enjoy!
PS - My joyful art designs are available on scarves, prints, cards, mugs, and more through my art licensing partnerships with Le Galeriste, Redbubble, and Pixels, leading print-on-demand…
Very Wild Flowers
Friends - This was a fun piece to create as I desired to create a joyful piece celebrating the flowers of summer. Enjoy!
PS - My joyful art designs are available on scarves, prints, cards, mugs, and more through my art licensing partnerships…